Trust. Competence. Integrity. Networking
International Business Development and Support Services
These are generally defined as:
“… services that improve the performance of the enterprise, its access to markets, and its ability to compete. The definition of ’business development service’… includes an array of business services [such as training, consultancy, marketing, information, technology development and transfer, business linkage promotion, etc.], both strategic [medium to long term issues that improve performance] and operational [day-to-day issues]. BDS are designed to serve individual businesses, as opposed to the larger business community.”(Committee of Donor Agencies for Small Enterprise Development, 2001). .
CREDAL Business Consulting plays the multiple roles of facilitator, co-ordinator and catalyst in the implementation of business development services. These focus primarily on the following:-
- Search, screening and evaluation of international business partners;
- Development and implementation of business collaboration frameworks.
An integral part of this service is the assistance provided to clients in the sourcing of international partners for projects and the application for relevant funding where applicable. This involves assistance in the sourcing and compilation of EU funds for client projects.