Trust. Competence. Integrity. Networking
Merger & Acquisition Consultancy and Support Services
Strategy is all about setting the long term direction for an organisation. It involves the development of long range plans and the development of the necessary systems and practices required to implement effectively such plans. The Merger and Acquisition process is one which will have major and long term impacts on the organisation, it therefore needs to be addressed very carefully and within the strategic perspective set for the organisation. Understanding the organisation’s strategy is the pre-requisite for the development of an acquisition strategy for the organisation. This acquisition strategy will form the basis of the acquisition process and will provide the benchmarks and guidelines necessary for all involved in the process.
CREDAL Business Consulting is involved throughout the acquisition process to ensure that a clear understanding of the strategy of the organisation guides the rational evaluation of the options that are open to the organisation in the context of the Merger and Acquisition process. Acquisition is not the only strategy open to the firm and in various situations, other alternatives are preferable. These are primarily the non-equity alliance or the equity alliance. Before the decision to acquire is made, all three options need to be reviewed to identify the most appropriate.
CREDAL Business Consulting is typically involved in the development and implementation of a Strategic Framework for the Acquisition Process comprising:-
- Assistance and direction in the planning of the acquisition strategy and the development of a profile for the most suitable target business to acquire;
- Assistance and support in the identification of suitable targets and the evaluation of the opportunities presented by each;
- Assistance in the acquisition preliminaries and the development and implementation of the due diligence framework;
- Assistance in the valuation process including the co-ordination of the various third party evaluators and verification entities;
- Assistance and support in the source of financing including preparation of relevant business plans and supporting materials for road show and/or presentation to venture capitalist firms or other financing institutions;
Initiation and management of the negotiations for the acquisition of the target business including co-ordination of client external advisory teams; - Assistance and support in the negotiation, structuring and closing of the acquisition deal;
- Assistance and support in the management of the transition process to ensure optimisation of acquisition.